Our thoughts can cloud our judgement, and thoughts unexamined become false beliefs

If we do too much photoshop, use too many filters, retaking, until we get just the right angles, we miss a lot of shots that were perfect in that moment; opportunities that were/are available to us now.

“I can’t do that” and I”’m just not ready yet,” are by far two of the biggest reasons I hear from people, women especially, for why they aren’t doing something or why something can’t be so. We abandon and put off our own desires because we think there is US, the us that wants that thing, still “not ready” or still “unable” presiding. However, existing simultaneously along the side of us that can’t and the side of us that is just not ready, is the us that CAN and the us that is entirely READY. And the US we choose MOST OF THE TIME, is the one that will take precedence in our lives. 

Our thoughts cloud our judgement, and thoughts unexamined become false beliefs. Just because we believe a thing to be so does not make it true. What we believe acts as true until we create a new belief. We act not just according to our thoughts but we act according to our beliefs. When we can begin to match who we are with who we think we are, we are on to something great because our internal thoughts and beliefs begin to match our external actions and behaviors. Want to know what you believe about yourself?

Just begin to take a daily inventory of your actions. Our daily actions will in someway match our thoughts and our beliefs. If we don’t think we are ready or if we don’t  think we can do a thing, then we will procrastinate or we will never get started because we will think so many things have to take place first before the thing we want can happen.